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There are 11 booklets in all – 4 to be read, if possible, before the class starts and 7 during the time when your class is running.
You can either read the booklets online or you can download and print them free-of-charge. There are self-assessment tasks in most of the booklets so it might be easier if you download and print at least the pages with the tasks.
We’d like you to read all 4 booklets so that, by the time you come to the first session, you are already well on your way to becoming your own therapist. All the booklets are numbered and should be read in sequence.

The first booklet – tells you all about all the sessions.

The second booklet – will explain what stress is – what causes it, what keeps it going, what the main signs are, etc. This booklet covers what you will learn in Session 1.

The third booklet – asks you to analyse your stress. If you think it would help, ask people close to you what they think. They might see things you don’t see. You’ll then be able to use this knowledge to better fight the stress. Please note, you do not need to show anything you do to the trainers who will run your class.

The fourth booklet – First Steps – has a lot of great ideas to help you get started on controlling your stress. Pick the ones you think would work best for you and then practise, practise, practise.
After you have finished the preparing the class booklets you can then download the session booklets which will accompany the online sessions from here
Please note, in the Enhanced Zone , you can find longer, more detailed booklets, interactive session materials that help you consolidate what you pick up at the class and retrieve information you might have forgotten. There are interactive session quizzes to help ensure you have picked up all the important points.